Friday, August 22, 2008

University Presidents Debate The Drinking Age?

To be honest, I can say that I was surprised by the announcement the other day by several prestigious university presidents regarding their desire to start a debate about the drinking age. This is one of those pink elephant issues that no one ever wants to talk about. The second the issue is raised, Mothers Against Drunk Driving attempt to scare everyone into submission by threatening, without basis, that traffic fatalities would undoubtedly rise again and our roads would be inundated with younger, irresponsible drunk drivers.

Drinking on college campuses has been around since the invention of college. It was even celebrated years ago in the Sigmund Romberg operetta “The Student Prince,” with the joyous and marvelous drinking song entitled (shockingly), “Drink, Drink, Drink.” Fraternization has been part of the young life for ages. In fact, the majority of Americans who attended college prior to 1984 participated in this age old tradition themselves. While I by no means have formulated my own opinion about what the drinking age should be, I am excited that we may have a real debate on the issue for the first time in as long as I can remember. Educated, reasonable people are willing to stick their necks out and have an intellectual discussion about a topic that needs one. I look forward to the discourse and applaud the university presidents for taking a stand on an issue that is not popular.

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